I feel like I’m at a good place with my climbing, I know my weakness is mostly the mental side of things but I think a little more confidence in my body and strength would help overall. After reading and researching all different kinds of training programmes, I came to the realisation that even though I want to train and kick it up a notch, I don’t want it to feel like a chore or heavy gym session. After some more reading it seems like yoga is an obvious but gentler choice to help improve my climbing skills and for some mental gains. It’s also a buildable practice so I can work through at my own pace.

My plan is to do a 20 min yoga session 2- 3 times a week at home, in between climbing days. I’m really excited to see how I can improve, and I plan to keep track and check in monthly with an update about how it’s all going.

Naturally I headed over to YouTube and sought out some beginner yoga stuff. The video below is what I’m going to be working and eventually I hope to build my own routine.


Wish me luck!

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